i-Tree Eco International

i-Tree Eco has different requirements and provides different results depending on whether your project is in the US, in selected fully integrated partner countries, or in other countries where the model can be used in individual cities.
For the US and partner countries, the i-Tree Eco model comes preloaded with local weather and pollution data from a network of monitoring stations. The software also includes local species, climate, and human population data. All of this preloaded data means users conducting projects in these locations only need to select their location and provide tree measurements before submitting data for automated processing and same-day results retrieval.
Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, Mexico, South Korea, Colombia, New Zealand, Japan & Most Countries in Europe: i-Tree Eco Ready
The i-Tree Eco software operates for projects in locations within these partner countries the same way it operates for users within the US where available data permits. After establishing a cooperative development agreement with the i-Tree Team, international partners worked directly with the US Forest Service and the i-Tree Development Team to adapt the model and provide required data for automated same-day project processing.
Though Eco is fully functional in these partner countries, there are still a few limitations to consider.
- The energy effect model is adapted from US research that reflects US building practices, climate types, energy uses and emissions factors, which may limit the applicability and accuracy outside the US. For some European countries, energy estimates are enabled based on matching an international location to a US climate region. The following spreadsheets show US climate region assignments for European countries and regional characteristics (building vintage, percentages, fuel types, etc.) of US climate regions.
- The human health impacts of air pollution removal are based on a US specific model created by the Environmental Protection Agency and are not available for international projects.
- The available pollution and weather year for adapted partner country projects is limited to the year of pollution data that was provided by partner countries for integration in the Eco model.
- For partner country specific model integration details, see the Air Pollutant Removals, Biogenic Emissions and Hydrologic Estimates for i-Tree Applications documentation.
i-Tree Database for Other Countries
i-Tree Eco v6 can be used in other locations, outside of partner countries mentioned above, but it requires use of the i-Tree Database system. This online portal provides an automated process for users to submit new international city location information, hourly pollution data, and hourly precipitation data to be validated and later incorporated in to a future version of Eco.
Many people have used this process and numerous global cities are now available for all to use in Eco. See the list of Other International Cities to view which cites and data are available in Eco. Some global cities may only have a location and limited pollution or precipitation data, which will limit availability of some Eco reports.
Visit the i-Tree Database page and select the Get Started button to learn more. Spreadsheet templates for pollution and precipitation hourly data submission can be found under the i-Tree Database Resources section of the i-Tree Methods and Files web page and in the Add to Database window for pollution and precipitation within the i-Tree Database tool.
See the i-Tree Database learning videos for additional help.
Additional International Eco Resources
The following resources are to help users outside the United States who are considering or are in the process of conducting an i-Tree Eco project.
- i-Tree Eco Resources section of the website.
- Eco Guide to International Projects - A guide for international projects outside the US and partner countries.
International Credits
Many people have contributed to the development of i-Tree Eco to make the application functional for users in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, South Korea and most countries in Europe. Data for the Australian enhancements were provided, in part, by Craig Hallam and Chris Spencer (ENSPEC Environment and Risk), with additional support and funding from the Melbourne Urban Forests Accord Group and Arboriculture Australia. Andy Kenney (University of Toronto) helped facilitate data acquisition for Canada. Kenton Rogers, Keith Sacre (Treeconomics ), Kieron Doick (Forest Research) assisted with project coordination, data acquisition, funding, and development of the United Kingdom Eco model adaptation. Naomi Zurcher, Johan Ostberg and Tim Aevermann assisted with project coordination, data acquisition, funding, and development of Eco model adaptation for most countries in Europe. María del Pilar Arroyave Maya and Camille McCarthy assisted with project coordination, data acquisition, funding, and development of the Eco model adaptation for Colombia.
Future International Expansion
The i-Tree Team often receives request to fully adapt i-Tree Eco for use in other countries. Learn more about the requirements and limitations of expanding the model for other countries. Learn more >