
i-Tree Eco with links to core i-Tree tools & resources:

Download and install on your Windows PC:

  1. From your Windows computer, begin the download process by clicking here: i-Tree_2025_6.1.53
    Our Microsoft Windows installer is verified by DigiCert and signed by the Davey Tree Expert Company.
  2. Support i-Tree by filling out a basic user information form; we do not share your information.
  3. You will receive a download link via email that will launch a Windows Installer for i-Tree.

Prefer not to download and install?

Thank you for your interest in i-Tree! We update our science and software throughout the year, so please check back often.

Troubleshooting the download process:

  • Please make sure your spam filters allow email from
  • Check your junk mail/spam folders if the email does not arrive within 10 minutes.
  • If you have trouble saving the download AFTER clicking the email link, temporarily disable Controlled Folders Access in Windows.

Help with installation: