i-Tree Eco Acknowledgements

i-Tree Eco is an adaptation of the Urban Forest Effects (UFORE) model, which was cooperatively developed by the U.S. Forest Service Northern Research Station (NRS), USDA State and Private Forestry's Urban and Community Forestry Program and Northeastern Area, Davey Tree Expert Company, and SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
Urban Forest Effects Model (UFORE)
The UFORE model was conceived and developed by David J. Nowak and Daniel E. Crane (USFS, NRS), and Patrick McHale (SUNY-ESF). The UFORE software was designed and developed by Daniel E. Crane and its graphical user interface (GUI) by Lianghu Tian and Mike Binkley (The Davey Institute). Many individuals contributed to the design and development process of the UFORE application including Mike Binkley (The Davey Institute), Jaewon Choi (SUNY-ESF), Daniel E. Crane (NRS), Greg Ina (The Davey Institute), Robert E. Hoehn (NRS), Jerry Bond and Christopher J. Luley (Urban Forestry LLC), Patrick McHale (SUNY-ESF), David J. Nowak (NRS), Jack C. Stevens (NRS), Lianghu Tian (The Davey Institute), Jeffrey T. Walton (Paul Smiths College), and Robert Sacks (Bluejay Software).
i-Tree Eco versions
New modeling functions, desktop processing capabilities, and updates for i-Tree Eco versions were developed and integrated by members of the USFS-NRS and The Davey Institute based on newly available research from NRS and feedback from i-Tree users. i-Tree Eco Development Team members and contributors include Satoshi Hirabayashi, Alexis Ellis, Daniel E. Crane, Lianghu Tian, Megan Kerr, David Ellingsworth, Allison Bodine, Daniel Vicarel, Mike Binkley, Al Zelaya, Jason Henning, Scott Maco, Heidi Siciliano, Michael Leff, Emmanuel Ong, Robert Coville, Arielle Conti and Erika Teach.
International collaboration
Many people have contributed to the development of i-Tree Eco to make the application functional for users in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Colombia, Mexico, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand. Data for the Australian enhancements were provided, in part, by Craig Hallam and Chris Spencer (ENSPEC Environment and Risk) and with funding from Arboriculture Australia. Andy Kenney (University of Toronto) helped facilitate data acquisition for Canada. Kenton Rogers, Keith Sacre (Treeconomics) and Kieron Doick (Forest Research) assisted with project coordination, data acquisition, funding and development of the United Kingdom Eco model adaptation. Arata Ichihashi, Nobumitsu Tsunematsu, and Tatsuki Nakaura (Tokyo Metropolitan Research Institute for Environmental Protection) helped facilitate data acquisition and provided funding for i-Tree Eco's Tokyo enhancement. Tadashi Touchi (Teijyuen Co., Ltd. and Urban Tree Diagnosis Association, Japan) and the Urban Tree Diagnosis Association, Japan helped facilitate data acquisition and provided funding for i-Tree Eco's countrywide Japan enhancement. Naomi Zurcher (Arbor Aegis) helped facilitate the Switzerland integration and species database cleanup. The team facilitating the New Zealand Integration included Howell Davies (Auckland City Council), William Melville (Wellington City Council), Toby Chapman (Christchurch City Council), and Justin Morgenroth (University of Canterbury).