i-Tree Project Profiles
National Assessment of Air Temperature Effects from Trees on Human Health
The National Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Cost-Share project National Assessment of Air Temperature Effects from Trees on Human Health introduces a new method for modeling the impacts of tree cover on air temperatures and heat-related mortality and summarize results for selected US cities.
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Project Applies i-Tree Tools to 30 Watersheds for Decision-Support
The GLRI project Urban Forest Enhancements of Ecosystem Services uses i-Tree Hydro, Buffer, Landscape, and Species to assess conditions and support decision-making related to tree and other land use impacts on water quantity and quality.
i-Tree Eco's Inventory Import Tool Provides Data to Washington D.C. Park Visitors
With the help of 270 citizen scientists this past spring, Casey Trees staff conducted an inventory of 9,290 trees across several Washington D.C. parks including iconic locations of the Lincoln, Jefferson and Roosevelt memorials to the hidden local treasures of Lincoln Park and Haines Point.
i-Tree in the Philippines
i-Tree and STEW-MAP Workshop Focuses on Rapid Growth in the Philippines. Over fifty participants attended the March workshop representing the City of Puerto Princesa, Palawan non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, and representatives from five other Philippine secondary cities facing similar rapid urbanization issues.
i-Tree in Mexico
The U.S. Forest Service International Programs (USFS-IP) recently coordinated a three-day workshop in Mexico City to introduce the latest version of i-Tree Eco, which is now fully automated and translated into Spanish for country-wide use throughout Mexico. Mexico joins the list of other countries including the US, Canada, Australia, and the UK that can readily use i-Tree Eco for local analysis of trees and forests.
i-Tree in EnviroAtlas
EnviroAtlas is a free, online mapping and decision tool developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and partners. EnviroAtlas users can access, view, and analyze diverse information to better understand the potential impacts of decisions on ecosystem goods and services (EGS) in order to capture their benefits and avoid unintended consequences for human welfare. As a partner in EnviroAtlas, the USDA Forest Service (USFS) contributes dozens of data layers based on i-Tree.
Tree Ecosystem Services Assessment, Ridge Park
An inventory and i-Tree Eco assessment of 683 trees was conducted at Ridge Park in the City of Unley, South Australia. Understanding the relationship between urban forest structure and functional values has helped the city to consider community trees as assets - leading to improved management decisions and new opportunities.
Valuing London's Urban Forest
The results of London’s i-Tree Eco project are now available in a comprehensive report which details the benefits that trees provide one of the world’s great cities. The study highlights the essential role that green infrastructure plays in providing ecosystem services and making London a vibrant place to live, visit and work.
Pennsylvania Horticultural Society's (PHS) i-Tree Design Project
PHS created an i-Tree Design project to estimate the energy savings that would be realized by planting 180 trees around 99 buildings on a Philadelphia Housing Authority (PHA) property. The Design project provided evidence to support the planting based on the long-term savings that PHA would realize by investing in the planting and maintenance of trees.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' Regional Analysis Project
The WDNR's Northeast Regional Urban Forestry Coordinators completed a regional analysis of street trees and canopy cover for (19) communities in the Northeast Area of Wisconsin. The comprehensive study quantified the annual ecosystem services of public trees using i-Tree Streets and i-Tree Canopy assessed current canopy cover and potential canopy cover for monitoring and goal setting.