Hydro: method descriptions and related journal articles
- i-Tree Hydro Model and Methodology - A journal article describing the Hydro model structure, theory, inputs, model calibration and outputs.
- i-Tree Hydro: Snow Hydrology Update for the Urban Forest Hydrology Model - A 2011 journal article describing updates to the Hydro model to account for snow related effects to enhance the capability of cold climate hydrology modeling.
- Watershed hydrograph model based on surface flow diffusion - A 2013 journal article describing research and development of a two-parameter surface diffusion hydrograph model to improve the predictive capability of hydrology modeling.
- Surface and Upper Weather Pre-processor for i-Tree Eco and Hydro v1.2 - A description of the methods to process hourly weather parameters which are required in the i-Tree Eco and i-Tree Hydro version 5 applications. (Updated 04/19/16)
- Power function decay of hydraulic conductivity for a TOPMODEL-based_infiltration routine - A 2006 journal article describing the development of equations to provide numerical consistency and power function distribution of topographic indexes and baseflow which enhances infiltration equations and subroutines.
- A flexible modeling package for topographically based watershed hydrology - A 2005 journal article presenting the object-oriented design and programming of the OBJTOP model which is the basis of i-Tree Hydro. This Wang et al. 2005 paper focuses more on the hydrology of the model.
- An object oriented approach to the description and simulation of watershed scale hydrologic processes - A 2005 journal article describing the structure and design of the OBJTOP model which is the basis of i-Tree Hydro. This Wang et al. 2005 paper focuses more on the computer science of the model.