Academy Reports and Files
2021 Capstone Projects
- Tree Planting Prioritization in Baltimore, Maryland by Iris Allen
- City of Brunswick Georgia Tree Canopy Assessment by Alex Ballard
- Quartzsite, AZ i-Tree Canopy Comparison 2015-2021 by LoriAnne Barnett Warren and Christine Mares
- Chillicothe OH i-Tree Canopy Assessment by Clint Boggs
- Trees Role in Stormwater Mitigation & Management: Planting Recommendations and Report City of Ottawa, KS by Kim Bomberger
- Estimating the Benefits Provided by Trees in Chesapeake Bay Watershed States and Identifying Opportunities to Expand Tree Canopy by Katie Brownson
- The Benefits of K-State's Campus Creek Trees: A Pilot Assessment Using i-Tree Eco by Jessica Canfield
- Fostering Inquiry with i-Tree Tools: The Learning Streams International Model by Lucy Chamberlain and Dennis Taylor
- Morgantown, WV Downtown Area Canopy Survey by Scott Cline
- Riverside, IL Canopy Survey by Michael Collins
- Laramie County, WY Community County College Inventory and i-Tree Assessments by Tara Costanzo
- Best tree species for Air Pollution Mitigation Tree Planting Project in Scotlandville, East Baton Rouge, LA by Temitope Dauda
- City of Seaford by Taryn Davidson
- i-Tree Tools for Colorado and Our Communities by Donna Davis
- Assessing Connecticut's Forest Cover at Multiple Scales by Danica Doroski
- NYC Land Cover and Ecosystem Services Assessment by Asia Dowtin
- Tree Planting Prioritization - Eugene, OR by Jenni Engle
- New Jersey Urban and Community Forestry Program Funded Tree Inventory Analysis with i-Tree Eco by Emily Farschon and Anna Korn
- 100 Trees to be Planted Along Bardstown Road, Louisville, Kentucky’s Most Iconic Street by Morgan Grubbs
- Greening the Gateway Cities Tree Benefits in Chelsea, MA by Gianna Hayes
- Lombard Street Tree Eco Assessment by Eric Hendrickson
- i-Tree Eco Report for Washington City, UT by Ryan Johnson
- Washington City UT Eco Written Report (password: W@$h!n&t)
- Change Analysis of Tree Canopy in La Crosse, IN by Abigail Krause
- Canopy Assessment and Tree Planting Prioritization for the City of Ecorse, MI by Ashley Laux
- City of Chicago Resource Assessment by Joe McCarthy
- Plant Virginia Trees: Planting Prioritization Planning by Jim McGlone
- Colorado State Forest Service i-Tree Academy presentation by Adam Moore
- Elizabeth River Watershed Urban Tree Canopy Assessment by Meghan Mulroy-Goldman
- Wye Research Center Queenstown, MD i-Tree Planting Benefit Strategies and Educational Tools by Cristina Niciporciukas
- Capon Bridge, WV i-Tree Canopy assessment by Zachary Norris
- Historical Downtown City of Hampton, VA - i-Tree Landscape Report by Molly O'Liddy
- Using i-Tree to Analyze the Benefits of Tree Plantings in Urban Honolulu by Emily Perry
- Summit County Tree Canopy and Demographic Assessment by Riley Pierce
- Carlinville IL i-Tree Eco Assessment by Kathleen Ruiter
- Russell Gardens Canopy Assessment (Past, Present, and Future) by Lianna Walsh
- What's Going On? Using Trees to Reduce Stormwater Runoff Along Marvin Gaye Park by Kasey Yturralde
2020 Capstone Projects
- Using i-Tree canopy to monitor Prosopis juliflora invasion of Swiemeh village- Jordan Valley by Mohammad Alnsour
- Tree Resources Inventory: Torch Lake Sands: Assessment on the Community Benefits of a Superfund Forest by Elizabeth Barnes
- Aiken City-Owned Parcels i-Tree Canopy assessment by Chris Breedlove
- Tree Planting Along CSAH 152 by Shane DeGroy
- Assessment of the carbon sequestered by trees in the 7 districts of the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon i-Tree Canopy by Cedric Fotso
- Palestine Neighborhood Corridor i-Tree Eco Analysis by Molly Gosnell
- Landcover Assessment of Northern California Urban Areas Classified by Population and Environmental Attributes by Julia Gowin
- i-Tree County Report: Kleberg County, TX by Bill Green
- A socio-ecological analysis of the distribution of parkland in the City of Akron, Ohio: Preliminary results by Andrea Kornbluh
- Tree Ecological Benefit Analysis and Risk Assessment by Wai Lee
- Kew Gardens Priority Tree Planting Plan: i-Tree Eco, i-Tree Landscape & NYC Parks Street Tree Map by Justin Magliochetti
- Examine common trees in Micronesia and calculate the ecosystems benefit using i-Tree tools by Regina Moya
- Micronesia Eco assessment of common trees
- Hydrology Effects of common trees
- Enipien and Kolonia i-Tree Canopy surveys
- Canopy studies of Southwestern quarter and eighth areas of Greenfield, Indiana 46140 by Sally Parsons
- Training NCFS Field Staff in the Use of i-Tree Tools by Jennifer Rall
- Demonstrating the Benefit Loss Due to Ash Tree Removal in West Allis Forestry Section 26 by Richard Rognsvoog
- Using i-Tree Canopy to Assess 6 Major Buffalo Olmsted Parks for Canopy Cover & Plantable Space by Michael Sawyer
- Omlstead Parks Canopy Summary Report
- Individual i-Tree Canopy Reports: Cazenovia Park | Delaware Park | Front Park | MLK Jr Park | Riverside Park | South Park
- i-Tree Applications for the Town of Wellesley, MA by Brandon Schmitt
- Safdarjung New Delhi, i-Tree Eco pilot and Canopy assessment project by Akshat Tyagi
- Current and Future Municipal Tree Planting Strategies in Princeton by Welmoet Van kammen
- Cool School Planting Report – C.F. Carr Elementary School by Zach Wirtz