Resources Overview

It is our goal to offer you the resources needed to understand and utilize the i-Tree suite of software tools in your community. Below are links to training opportunities, presentations, reports, technical papers, research and other i-Tree initiatives.
Manuals, Guides and Workbooks
Manuals for i-Tree applications and utilities can be accessed from the Manuals, Guides & Workbooks page. In addition, workbooks used for plot and street segment generation can be accessed from this page.
Video Learning
Visit this page to access instructional videos on the i-Tree Tools. Content and links are periodically updated as new material becomes available.
i-Tree Methods Documentation, Model Notes, and Technical Papers
Want to learn more about the research behind the i-Tree applications and utilities? Access documents related to the i-Tree model from this page.
i-Tree Reports
Want to see how others have utilized the i-Tree tools to assess the benefits of their community tree resources? Check out i-Tree Reports to learn more.
i-Tree Project Profiles
See how communities, academic institutions, non-profit organizations, urban forestry coordinators and consultants are using the i-Tree Tools to improve understanding and management of urban natural resources.
i-Tree Teaching
Learn how i-Tree Tools are being integrated into curriculum at a variety of educational levels.
i-Tree Presentations
Want to see a presentation on i-Tree or download a past presentation? Visit i-tree presentations to learn more about the i-Tree tools.
i-Tree Workshops
Want to participate in an upcoming i-Tree workshop? Please check the i-Tree Workshop page for upcoming opportunities. Past i-Tree workshops are also listed for reference or downloading materials.
Marketing i-Tree
Want to know how i-Tree software tools can make a difference in your community? Check out promotional videos, fact sheets describing how different user groups and communities can use, or have used, the i-Tree suite of software tools to benefit their tree program.
IUFRO Directory
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) has developed this online directory to facilitate research collaboration and information dissemination among its members across the globe. The IUFRO directory is independent of the i-Tree Tools and i-Tree user base and is provided here to promote IUFRO member networking.